Zesttee Men's Journal: Tips for Stronger Erections


Total Penis Engorgement (Part 2) - Maximising Nitric Oxide Release

Maximising Nitric Oxide release is the key to total penis engorgement and long-lasting erection. This can be done through a combination of supplements, foods, and exercise.


Studies have confirmed that the following supplements help stimulate nitric oxide production: L- Citrulline, Citrulline Malate, Glycine Propionyl-L-Carntine (GPLC), L-Arginine in combination with Pycognenol, and Ginkgo Biloba.

And the following antioxidants neutralise free radicals which contribute to the short life of nitric oxide: Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Polyphenols, and Glutathione.


Beets are rich in dietary nitrates, which your body can convert to nitric oxide. According to one study in 38 adults, consuming a beetroot juice supplement increased nitric oxide levels by 21% after just 45 minutes.

Garlic can boost nitric oxide levels by activating nitric oxide synthase, the enzyme that aids in the conversion of nitric oxide from the amino acid L-arginine.

Meat, poultry and seafood are all excellent sources of coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10 — an important compound believed to help preserve nitric oxide in the body.

Dark chocolate is loaded with flavanols - naturally occurring compounds that boast an extensive list of powerful health benefits. In particular, research shows that the flavanols found in cocoa can help establish optimal levels of nitric oxide in your body to promote heart health and protect cells against oxidative damage.

Leafy green vegetables like spinach, arugula, kale and cabbage are packed with nitrates, which are converted to nitric oxide in your body. According to one review, regular consumption of nitrate-rich foods like green leafy vegetables can help maintain sufficient levels of nitric oxide in the blood and tissue

Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit are all excellent sources of vitamin C, an important water-soluble vitamin that plays a central role in health. Vitamin C can enhance levels of nitric oxide by increasing its bioavailability and maximising its absorption in the body. Research shows that it may also bump up levels of nitric oxide synthase, the enzyme needed for the production of nitric oxide.

Pomegranate is loaded with potent antioxidants that can protect your cells against damage and preserve nitric oxide. One test-tube study showed that pomegranate juice was effective in protecting nitric oxide from oxidative damage while also increasing its activity.

Nuts and seeds are high in arginine, a type of amino acid that is involved in the production of nitric oxide. Some research suggests that including arginine from foods like nuts and seeds in your diet can help increase nitric oxide levels in your body.

Watermelon is one of the best sources of citrulline, an amino acid that’s converted to arginine and, ultimately, nitric oxide in your body. One small study found that citrulline supplements helped stimulate nitric oxide synthesis after just a few hours but noted that it may take longer to see positive effects on health. Meanwhile, another study in eight men showed that drinking 10 ounces (300 ml) of watermelon juice for two weeks led to significant improvements in nitric oxide bioavailability.

Red wine contains many powerful antioxidants and has been tied to a multitude of health benefits. Interestingly, some studies have found that drinking red wine could also increase levels of nitric oxide. One test-tube study showed that treating cells with red wine increased levels of nitric oxide synthase, an enzyme involved in the production of nitric oxide. Another test-tube study had similar findings, reporting that certain compounds found in red wine enhanced nitric oxide synthase and increased the release of nitric oxide from the cells that line the blood vessels.


Besides getting your blood flowing, exercise improves endothelial function. Endothelium refers to the thin layer of cells that line the blood vessels. These cells produce nitric oxide, which keeps blood vessels healthy.

Exercise keeps your endothelial cells and blood vessels healthy by increasing your body’s natural ability to produce nitric oxide. Studies have also shown that exercise increases antioxidant activity, which helps inhibit the breakdown of nitric oxide caused by free radicals.

The benefits of exercise on endothelial health and nitric oxide production can be seen in as little as 10 weeks when exercising for 30 minutes at least three times a week. For optimal results, combine aerobic training, such as walking or jogging, with anaerobic training, such as resistance training. The types of exercise you choose should be things you enjoy and can do long term.


There are many ways to improve your nitric oxide production. The best results will come through a disciplined long-term approach based on science and data from blood tests.

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