Zesttee Men's Journal: Exercises to Keep a Hard On


Total Penis Engorgement (Part 3) - Minimising Blood Outflow

In order to sustain long-term erection, blood must remain in the penis once it flows in. This is done through pressure on penile veins by pelvic floor muscles. Pelvic floor muscles are the layer of muscles that support the pelvic organs and span the bottom of the pelvis. The pelvic organs are the bladder and bowel in men.

Kegel exercises are effective for strengthening pelvic floor muscles. Here’s how to get started.

Identify the Muscles to Target:

• Halfway through urination, try to stop or slow down the flow of urine.
• Don’t tense the muscles in your buttocks, legs, or abdomen, and don’t hold your breath.
• When you can slow or stop the flow of urine, you’ve successfully located these muscles.

Some men find these muscles by imagining that they are trying to stop the passage of gas. Squeezing these muscles gives a pulling sensation; these are the right muscles for Kegel exercises. It's important not to contract other muscles.

Follow the Steps:

• Contract these muscles for a slow count of five.
• Release the muscles to a slow count of five.
• Repeat 10 times.
• Do a set of 10 Kegels daily, three times a day.

When you’re first starting, it may be easier to do Kegel exercises lying down, so your muscles aren’t fighting against gravity. It may also be easier to contract the muscles for just two or three seconds at first.

After a few weeks, increase the time until eventually you’re contracting the muscles for a slow five or 10 seconds, and do the exercises standing up. That puts more weight on the muscles, boosting your workout and improving your control.

Remember to keep other muscles relaxed. Don't contract your abdominal, leg, or buttock muscles, or lift your pelvis. Place a hand gently on your belly to detect unwanted abdominal action.

Gradually increase the length of contractions and relaxations. Work your way up to 10-second contractions and relaxations. Also practice short, 2 to 3 second contractions and releases as well as longer ones.

Stay consistent with your Kegel exercises and you will see improvement in erection quality and stamina in as little as 3 weeks.