Zesttee's Sexual Health: The Science

Our Science

You sexual performance is an indication of your overall health. While medication provides temporary improvement, it is best to fix underlying problems for long-term performance and health gains.

Sexual Health Basics

Male sexual performance relies on good blood flow to the penis, adequate testosterone hormone for sex drive and erection, and sufficient serotonin neurotransmitter for ejaculation control.

Low Sex Drive

Low sex drive is typically due to low testosterone levels. Common causes of “low T” are poor diet, vitamin D deficiency, lack of exercise, sleep deprivation, aging, and high stress hormone levels.

Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Erection problems happen when there is reduced blood flow to the penis. This poor circulation is typically due to heart disease, high cholesterol, and hypertension. Low testosterone and high blood sugar also weaken erection.

Premature Ejaculation (PE)

Poor ejaculation control is linked to low serotonin neurotransmitter levels. Common causes for low serotonin are aging, poor diet, chronic stress, lack of exercise, and inadequate sunlight.

Clinical Assessment

We use clinically validated assessments to determine the extent of erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and low testosterone. Clinical validation means these quick online assessments are very accurate.

Home Lab Testing

We send a test kit to your home for easy collection of saliva and a few drops of blood. These samples are analysed at accredited laboratories to measure your testosterone, cortisol (stress hormone), vitamin D, and cholesterol levels.

Evidence-Based Treatment

Your assessment and lab test results will indicate the extent and causes of sexual dysfunction. Our algorithm uses this data to recommend the optimal supplements mix and guidance for long-term improvement of your health and sexual performance.


While your body is being healed by natural means, you may also take proven ED and PE medications before sex for immediate benefit.