Zesttee Sexual Health: How it Works

How It Works

1. Assess Your Sexual Health

2. Get Personalised Treatment

3. Get Ongoing Testing and Care

1. Assess Your Sexual Health

Answer questions about your sexual health in a simple, 3 minute assessment. Opt to tele-consult with a Zesttee doctor to get medications for immediate improvement. Or, choose natural, evidence-based male performance supplements.

If you already know you want medication, you can check out the few we offer below.

2. Get Personalised Treatment

Based on your answers, you'll get recommended medication, personalised supplements, and home lab tests for optimising your sexual health. Order what you want.

3. Get Ongoing Testing and Care

Use our home lab tests to discreetly track your sexual health indicators and improve them through recommended supplements and lifestyle changes. Telehealth consults with our doctors will be available for meds.